Feel free to do what i wanna to do, eventhough theres strugles to through...

Ahlan Wasahlan!!!

Hit Counters

What should I do?

What should I do to give her an alarm to stop believin' him?

What should I do?
What shall I do?
What I need do?
What I could do?

him... Who could ruin her life...
him, Do you know how bad his attitude are?
Its like parasit that ruin a beauty flower...?!

Owh, I already talked to her...
How stupid boys are...
How to avoid things in relationship with them...
And How to stop believin' him....

To find a great boy in this world is hard...?
The one who prevent you to show how big they love them...

Exam result out???!!!


I'am dont know what to say...? *blank*
happy? alittle cuz i got No fail subject,(grateful~ bcoz I should be gagal on hadis&insya but aint)
sad? kinda...coz I got no A????Iam.stupid.moron.And English? 78%? T-T

12 B's,3 C's n 5 D's. stupid.Iam.Amatur.

Should do analisis. heh.
should read on this moment.self-improvement.

"....eventhough how much you try harder to reach perfections,but you failed..Actually you already improve to become one...."-SH

mood bosan

Bosan to death... *lyn Note to God* heh.

So, i'am posting again... memang ketagih and biased abis kat blogger neh... drug btul ko ye... hah.

Yah, Abah ble TV baru, Ini suma abang pnya pasal TV rosak... So LCD? Abah beli LCD?

Terbang duit beribu... Btw, thanks... Ini yg buat aku t'congok kat depan TV tuh.. hahahah lol

skrg ne.. ok no idea heh.

stop it..

I'am missing someone heh

I dont know who the 'lucky' one?

Could be my parent, family ,friend or the one. whatever.

dont have.dont care.dont want.

Sorry i'am totally busy? at this plenty of memory?

Sorry,i've been so busy since my last post...

Its because of that 'penyakit' T-T

I sakit muntah2 plus demam and I kena cucuk...

menyampahlah... Nasib Dia kasi panjg umor lg... he3

Actually, all our skul kna 'penyakit' cam aku ne... pas blik dr toh puan utk majlis mtq*


Yeah!!!, kemarin sdh pg ethons** best, tp tak puas lg...

Oh ya, abah tq for treat us at KFC he3

So much pleasure umi blanja bli buku....

bestlah...btw, tq for versus... buku idaman...
Yang urgent sgt ne, tak dapat ble self-improvement book lg T-T
Its okay, We just planning, Allah knows the best~
*majlis tilawah al-Quran
**kedai buku kat centre point


Since, abang plang dr masterskill, Finally aku pn... menghadap depan komputer jak... ha3

Eventhough , maci msih m'bebel kat ak skang...(sory umi T-T)

Umi suru bca buku , tp aku masuk bilik bca buku jugak (novel)

Mmg anak durhaka btllah...

btw, bosan petala 8 tullah....

Skang hujanlh kat tmpt ak...

ak rindulh nak jln2 ngn abah umi ngn yg len2...

ak pun nda tau apa feeling aku skrg...

Nak tdur kut, kut?

lapar... Ya!! mkn dululah...

Exam finally over....

Seohyun i miss your voice~~~

Yeah, finally exam is over now..... Well, its seem i cant smile happily now....Why?

I dont know... Cuti pun dah nak datang dh... *Eagerly jump* lol

Ethons i'am coming to you~~~~

Nda sabar mau beli novel, hahahahahaha ya ngan self-improvement book skali~~

Ow, SNSD song is waiting for me....

(tp result kuar sblah mta pun tak nak tengok, isnt?)

Argh,exam ssh thp giga lah!!!!

pastu, BM pun susah nak skor gini nie.....

WEi, ini yg aku malas btl ne...

By the way hari reunion untuk plajar SMAIP 2005..
bru2 ne, mmg bestlah wlupun nda smpi 2 jam pun majlisnya....

Apa2pun, mudah2an lh dpt result best~ Doakan lh ya kengkawan~~

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