Feel free to do what i wanna to do, eventhough theres strugles to through...

Ahlan Wasahlan!!!

Hit Counters

Exam Alert!!!!

Ow.. please....

Exam is dihujung tanduk dah....

baru hafal, Tafsir ngan al-Quran ja....

Pa nak buat ne...

So,I'am on Hiatus now....

Please, doakan aku...

May Allah bless us...~


I'am bored to death...

*eat papaya*

Oh, the exam nak dekat... owh its too much to read and hafal... Since i'am study kat sekolah agama...

*cry while eat papaya*

Ha!!! I'am sick and tired of cuti....

Klu cuti skul besanya plajar mcm aku msti happy dah...

Tapi, aku tak nak...

-if cuti, aku msti tdur lepas subuh smpi jam lapan dan onlines smpi solat zohor...(dan wasting the time)

- klu kat sekolah aku bley blajar sepunuhnya & tak men kat rumah...


Ya Allah bantulah aku....~

Kami tukar kedudukan tempat duduk kat klas....


Its been 1 years suku dah kmi guna kedudukan yg sma....

But, lelaki kat dlm klas kta nak tkar sbb m'blakangi guru...plus, skit kpla nak pusing tgk papan putih kat depan...

Yea... aku stuju kat drong, lgipun aku wlupun b'spectacle tp msih kurang deria melihat jugak...

well, i agree with them... And my group pun agree cam aku...

cuma, ahli kumpulan len...kurang stuju ckit...

Dan dorang marah kat lelaki (tempiasnya kami skali kena..) pasal cadangan tu...

Welll, Aku tak puas hati kat dorang.... geram yang membara ni...(piawai pula..)

Apa-apapun mesti lawan habis-habisan...


Barng idaman ku~

okay... sabr tu separuh drpada iman kan... okay, kumpul duit bnyk...

bli brgn idaman ku ini gna duit sendiri okay? OK...

Murahkanlah rezki ya Allah! muda-mudahn di permudahkan... (besar harapan ne...)


Join SMAIP group at fs..


Utk plajr2 SMAIP... join dlam group ne....

Ctar2lh skit psl perkembangan skul kta....

lgpun kbnyakn yang join group ne, ex-smaipers je...

kta pnuh kn group ni... meriah skit... hu3...

Happy Birthday to my sister....

- Era (wearing blue tudung)

Have a good time to spent...

Its your life enjoy it but remember Allah....

Please show me your smile,

Thats means a lot for me and All of our family...

Remember, a person did faulth....

And don't forget improve it...

Or else you do wrong....

May Allah bless...

May longevity....
Eat a lot, babe~


My new spectacle~


Thanks to Abah, sbb blekan spectacle bru utk sya....

May Allah bless///

I'am editing pictures...

Okay.. This is it.. The pictures of my friends....

(this is the only one pictures that's all of our member group join...)

please... if you don't like it... don't bash...

this another thanks to ShaNa (not mentioning) for the pic that you edited it...

On your fon...

This is tiny pic... he3

Maulidurrasul at Papar...

Its been along time I want to share this....

Gambar2 time maulud Nabi... Berarak dari dewan salleh sulong hingga dewan masyarakat...

Best... Kaki pun takda sakit... Itulah kegembiraan menyambut Maulidur Rasul...

Keberkatan mengadakan Majlis Maulud itu bukan sahaja didapati oleh orang yang mengadakan

majlis itu, tetapi seluruh ahli rumah atau orang yang tinggal di tempat itu turut mendapat


Semoga Islam terus ditegakkan... Ilmu diamalkan...Amin

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